• – Who
  • Jimmy Gitonga
  • Njuguna Gathere

The Red Afro

Like, why?

A crisis has emerged, especially here in Kenya as the global tech companies employ all the top-level talent in the region. Small and medium enterprises who want to set up shop and scale their businesses are having a challenge getting the right talent to work with them. Should they base their corporate technology on a cloud-first tech stack? Should they have an on-premises hardware? What ERM should they use? How will it be integrated with KRA? Who will help them through this labriynth of questions?

Today, “techies” working with SMEs and start-ups have to be “cloud-ready”, "vendor-neutral" and “business-requirements-aware”. That level of talent is in high demand and it comes in at the CTO level. Good CTOs are well versed in how the whole tech industry works and should be able to advise and source the talent needed to implement solutions to enable the business to grow. Where do you find these at a fraction of the cost or for a fraction of the time?

Fractional CTO

From our experience, we are "fractional chief technology officers" - Fractional CTOs. We have been involved in executing technology on line a company's business needs as well as consulting on the software and hardware that businesses need to run efficiently in this day and age. We have been involved in creating technology teams as well.

We set up Red Afro Limited as a way to organise our design and technology work with clients and our in-house projects. We have depth in brand and product design, as well as in web and mobile software development. We have computer science and electronic engineering as our foundations.

We are build software to run on any platform. We implement open-source ERPs, build applications extending the ERPs to meet business requirements as well as integrating them with the KRA eTIMS API.

In the future, we are looking at helping SMEs in manufacturing and logistics levarage bespoke hardware, integrating that with ERPs through the Internet of Things - IoT.

If any of what we have said is appealing to you, talk to us. That is what we are here for. You will be hearing more about us as the days go by.